Otago Southland Secondary Schools' Track and Field 2010 (select another)

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The 21 results for your search for athlete surnames beginning with "D" are below.

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Athlete Team
Samara Dalziel Columba College
Ed Davies John McGlashan
Louis Day Dunstan
Sam de Vries Southland Boys High School
Jared Deal Southland Boys High School
Sam Deal Southland Girls' High School
Stacey Dennison Dunstan
Tyler Dickie Kings High School
Kristen Dickson Central Southland College
Leah Dixon James Hargest High School
Stephen Dixon Central Southland College
Cassandra Dobson Tokomairiro
Kiri Dodge Southland Girls' High School
Michael Donald Gore High School
Maihi Douglas East Otago High School
Nicole Dowling St Kevin's College
Courtney Duncan East Otago High School
Sam Dunnage Central Southland College
Greg Dyer Menzies College
Madeline Dykes Dunstan