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Townsville Secondary Schools' Track and Field 2008
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Liam Sager
Pimlico State High School
Lucas Sailor
Townsville State High School
Aleesha Sakael
Heatley State High School
Laura Salmon
Thuringowa State High School
Luke Salter
Townsville State High School
Jennifer Saltmiras
Annandale Christian College
Krishelle Saltner
Heatley State High School
Jesse Sampson
Townsville State High School
Andrew Sands
Annandale Christian College
Brittany Santariga
William Ross High
Riko Santoso-Millar
William Ross High
Jamie-Lee Sard
Townsville State High School
Kristyn Sarmardin
Kirwan State High
Alex Sava
Cathedral College
Anita Savage
Pimlico State High School
Bruce Savage
Pimlico State High School
Holly Savage
Pimlico State High School
Jerome Savage
Pimlico State High School
Levi Savage
Pimlico State High School
Josefa Savu
Pimlico State High School
Mali Saylor
Saint Patrick's College
Julian Scanlon
Thuringowa State High School
Jamie Scarbough
Ryan Catholic College
Bradley Schultz
Townsville State High School
Erin Schultz
Heatley State High School
Gillian Schultz
Townsville State High School
Alex Schwartz
Thuringowa State High School
Fred Schwartz
Thuringowa State High School
Liesl Schwartz
Calvary Christian College
Anthea Scott
Townsville State High School
Ashley Scott
Ryan Catholic College
Ella Scott
Heatley State High School
Jake Scrivener
Heatley State High School
Rylie Seamark
Kirwan State High
Monam Searson
Saint Patrick's College
Paul Seiuli
Kirwan State High
Jerome Semos
Heatley State High School
Savanna Sense
Ryan Catholic College
Jeffrey Ses
Kirwan State High
Kayla Shanahan
Thuringowa State High School
Tim Shaw
Kirwan State High
Reb Sheahan
Cathedral College
Ali Sheaves
Townsville Grammar School
Stephen Shelley
Kirwan State High
R. Shepherd
Calvary Christian College
Jessica Sherlock
Pimlico State High School
Damien Short
Shalom College
Quinn Short
Townsville State High School
Laura Shucksmith
Saint Margaret Mary's College
Brian Sibley
Thuringowa State High School
David Sihavong
William Ross High
Julia Sim
Saint Patrick's College
Jon Simeon
Kirwan State High
Georgia Simeoni
Cathedral College
Zali Simmonds
Saint Anthony's Cath. College
Brad Simmons
Townsville Grammar School
Leslie Simon
Shalom College
Alan Simonds
Saint Anthony's Cath. College
Aurora Simonds
Saint Anthony's Cath. College
Joesph Singer
Pimlico State High School
Michaela Singleton
Saint Margaret Mary's College
Stanley Sirris
Thuringowa State High School
Kodey Sirriss
Saint Patrick's College
Kayla Skinner
Ryan Catholic College
Daniel Sloane
Cathedral College
Josephine Smallwood
Heatley State High School
Brittany Smith
Saint Margaret Mary's College
Jason Smith
Pimlico State High School
Jeremy Smith
Townsville Grammar School
Keegan Smith
Thuringowa State High School
Mikaela Smith
William Ross High
Shannon Smith
Saint Margaret Mary's College
Wesley Smith
Annandale Christian College
Talesha Solamon
Shalom College
Joshua Soleburg
Northern Beaches High School
Aggie Solomon
Pimlico State High School
jordan Solomon
Shalom College
Nemma Solomon
Shalom College
Tinisha Solomon
Shalom College
Layla Solomona
William Ross High
Alesha sonogan
Kirwan State High
Alish sonogan
Kirwan State High
Wendy Sore
Thuringowa State High School
Mardi Sorensen
Townsville State High School
Brendan Spanner
Kirwan State High
Darren Sparks
Townsville Grammar School
Steven Sparrow
Annandale Christian College
Ashton Spaulding
Cathedral College
Jesse Spelta
William Ross High
Tasha Spratt
Kirwan State High
Alex Sprindzuks
Townsville State High School
Brdgette Springall
Cathedral College
Chelsea Sprott
Saint Patrick's College
Sam Sproule
Townsville State High School
Annaliese Spyrou
Kirwan State High
Theo Spyrou
Thuringowa State High School
Gemma Stackman
William Ross High
Dylan Stagg
William Ross High
Sam Staib
Townsville Grammar School
Kaitlyn Staines
Annandale Christian College
Jamie Stanbrook
Kirwan State High
Jared Stanley
Ignatius Park College
Rebecca Stark
Townsville Grammar School
Lennon Stathoulis
Pimlico State High School
Christina Staton
Kirwan State High
Christine Staton
Kirwan State High
Genevieve Steel
Saint Margaret Mary's College
Hayley Steele
Cathedral College
farren Steen
Northern Beaches High School
Michelle Steer
Calvary Christian College
Josh Steffans
Cathedral College
brea steminger
Northern Beaches High School
Chelsea Stevens
Kirwan State High
Joel Stevens
Annandale Christian College
Zac Stevens
Kirwan State High
Brayden Stewart
Kirwan State High
Riley Sticklen
Pimlico State High School
kerri stockwell
Northern Beaches High School
Anthony Stokes
Saint Anthony's Cath. College
allysa stone
Northern Beaches High School
keenin stone
Northern Beaches High School
Josh Storey
Townsville Grammar School
Matt Storey
Townsville Grammar School
Scott Strachan
Ignatius Park College
Daniel Street
Thuringowa State High School
Zac Street
Pimlico State High School
Emily Stringini
Saint Margaret Mary's College
Callum Strong
Pimlico State High School
Maggie Styles
Saint Margaret Mary's College
Tatiana Suangin
Kirwan State High
Waiyang Suangin
Kirwan State High
Julianne Sullivan
Saint Patrick's College
Aaron Swendsen
Calvary Christian College
Natarsha Swendseon
Calvary Christian College
TJ Sykes
Heatley State High School
Erin Symes
William Ross High
Kyla Symes
William Ross High
Vikash Szanto
Ignatius Park College