South Island Secondary Schools' Track and Field 2016 (select another)

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The 36 results for your search for athlete surnames beginning with "R" are below.

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Athlete Team
Lily Rae Craighead Diocesan School
William Rawlins Timaru Boys' High School
Josh Ree Mt Hutt College
Anna Reese-Jones Villa Maria College
Lahana Reeves Riccarton High School
Tamara Reeves Riccarton High School
Stella Reid Cashmere High School
Lilli Renner Columba College
Eva Rewiri Burnside High School
Sean Rhodes Timaru Boys' High School
Lexi Richards Lincoln High School
Naren Rik Hillmorton High School
Monique Ririnui-Sipa Southland Girls' High School
Alice Ritchie Craighead Diocesan School
Quinn Ritchie Ashburton College
Florence Robert Waitaki Girls' High School
April Robertson Villa Maria College
Brooke Robertson Waimea College
Lydia Robinson St Margaret's College
Taylor Robinson Motueka High School
Brea Roderick Mt Hutt College
Harry Rodger John McGlashan College
Daniel Rogers-Bromley Bayfield High School
Tahlia Roome Otago Girls High School
Jack Rose St Andrew's College
Jay Ross Opihi College
Daniel Roswell Burnside High School
Sean Rowe Gore High School
Hamish Rowley Christ's College
Aleisha Rule Geraldine High School
Reece Rush Lincoln High School
Michael Russell Timaru Boys' High School
Summer Rutherford Middleton Grange School
Emma Ryan James Hargest College
Kate Ryan James Hargest College
Alex Ryder Christchurch Boys High School