South Island Secondary Schools' Track and Field 2009 (select another)

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The 26 results for your search for athlete surnames beginning with "K" are below.

Search Results

Athlete Team
Auk Kaewjuntranon Cashmere High School
Lucie Kavanagh Avonside Girls' High School
Anna Kean Bayfield High School
Daniel Keen Central Southland College
Mackenzie Keenan St Margaret's College
Ruby Kelly-Smith Craighead Diocesan School
Joseph Kemp Otago Boys High School
Jesse Kempf Timaru Boys' High School
Hannah Kennan Christchurch Girls High School
Tarryn Kenneally Waitaki Girls' High School
Bailey Kennedy St Margaret's College
Dee Jay Kennedy James Hargest College.
Zoe Kenning James Hargest College.
Gus Kerr Dunstan High School
Sarah Kerse Geraldine High School
Rebecca Kersten Nelson College For Girls
DJ Kilden Christchurch Boys High School
Rebecca King Central Southland College
LEAH KINI St Andrew's College
Tanisha Kinnaird Bayfield High School
Ashleah Kirk Middleton Grange School
Meghan Kirk Motueka High School
Lucy Kitchin Waitaki Girls' High School
Peter Ko Christchurch Boys High School
Maeva-Rua Kopa Blue Mountain College
Kirsten Kruger Waitaki Girls' High School