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South Island Secondary Schools' Track and Field 2003
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G Radford
Otago Girls High School
Gemma Radford
Otago Girls High School
Katherine Radford
Otago Girls High School
Kathern Radford
Otago Girls High School
B Rae
Ashburton College
Soutchay Rattanong
Christchurch Boys High Sc
Annie-kate Rea
Blue Mountain College
Julian Read
Christ's College
Olivia Read
Ashburton College
J Redhead
Mountainview High School
Jason Redhead
Mountainview High School
John Reekie
Ellesmere College
B Reihana
Timaru Boys' High School
Trent Reihana
Timaru Boys' High School
Amy Rendel
Avonside Girls High Schoo
Nicole Rhind
Karamea Area School
Hania Rice
Cashmere High School
Georgina Richards
Christchurch Girls High S
Clare Richmond
Timaru Girls' High School
James Richmond
St Andrew's College
Regan Riddell
Cashmere High School
Cashmere High School
Andy Riley
Nelson College
Jules Riley
Nelson College
D Rive
Mt Hutt College
Annabelle Robb
Christchurch Girls High S
Courtney Robb
Riccarton High School
Aleisha Roberts
Avonside Girls High Schoo
Gemma Roberts
Ellesmere College
Ja'nayer Roberts
Darfield High School
Lauren Roberts
Ellesmere College
Mark Roberts
Ellesmere College
Daniel Robertson
Southland Boys High Schoo
Fo'ou Robertson
Marlborough Boys College
Hayley Robertson
James Hargest High School
Rangiora High School
R Robertson
Gore High School
F Robinson
James Hargest High School
Fraser Robinson
James Hargest High School
K Robinson
Mt Hutt College
Kimberley Robinson
Mt Hutt College
Cameron Robsen
Christ's College
Christ's College
Nicki Robson
Rangi Ruru Girls School
Emma Roche
Christchurch Girls High S
Greg Rockbank
Bayfield High School
Stacey Roderique
Central Southland College
Melissa Rodgers
Menzies College
J Rogers
Ashburton College
Josh Rogers
Ashburton College
Tyler Rogers
Ashburton College
Hazel Rolston
Lincoln High School
Daniel Rolton
James Hargest High School
Sean Romans
St Andrew's College
C Ronald
James Hargest High School
Cole Ronald
James Hargest High School
Laura Rongen
Otago Girls High School
Ceara Rooney
Marian College
N Rooney
Craighead Diocesan School
Natalie Rooney
Craighead Diocesan School
Jenny Rose
Nelson College For Girls
Nardia Roselli
Marlborough Girls College
Ryan Roselli
Marlborough Boys College
A Ross
Timaru Boys' High School
I Ross
Timaru Boys' High School
T Ross
Siobhan Roughan
Villa Maria College
Jackson Rouland
Waimea College
N Roulston
Ashburton College
Nick Roulston
Blue Mountain College
Samantha Rouse
St Hilda's Collegiate
A Rowland
Mackenzie College
Aliesha Rowland
Mackenzie College
M Rowland
Mackenzie College
Melanie Rowland
Mackenzie College
Christchurch Boys High Sc
Braydon Rowlands
Christchurch Boys High Sc
Brendan Rowlands
Christchurch Boys High Sc
Kurt Rowlands
Christchurch Boys High Sc
Debra Roy
Gore High School
K Roy
Gore High School
Kathryn Roy
Gore High School
Jesse Rush
Nelson College
Jessie Rush
Nelson College
Erena Russ
Waimea College
Mandy Russ
Waimea College
Dean Russell
Gore High School
Jonathan Russell
Shirley Boys High School
L Russell
Mt Anglem College
Lisa Russell
Mt Anglem College
M Russell
Mt Anglem College
Josh Rutledge
Waimea College
Tim Rutledge
Waimea College
Beau Ryan
St Bede's College
St Bede's College
Emma Ryan
Southland Girls High Scho
L Ryan
Southland Girls High Scho
M Ryan
Christ's College
Renee Ryder
Villa Maria College