New Zealand Secondary Schools' Cross Country 2015 (select another)

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The 59 results for your search for athlete surnames beginning with "S" are below.

Search Results

Athlete Team
Lili Sabonadiere St Hilda's Collegiate
Hamish Sanders St Bede's College
Sophie Sandford Mt Maunganui College
Jared Sarten St Patrick's College (Silverst
Ryan Scaife St Patrick's College (Silverst
William Scharpf Kings High School
William Scholten Wellington College
Sophie Schrader St Margaret's College
Zac Schwass New Plymouth Boys High School
Ella Scott Queen's High School
Harry Scott Christchurch Boys High School
Matthew Scott St Peter's School
Robert Sewell Christchurch Boys High School
Aryton Shadbolt St Andrew's College
Jack Shaw James Hargest High School
Jamie Shaw Nelson College
Dyani Shepherd-Oates Fiordland College
Kalani Sheridan Nayland College
Pierce Sheridan St Peter's College (Auckland)
Alana Sherman Kings College
Jamie Shields Tauranga Boys' College
Georgia Shinn Darfield High School
Jay Shipman St Peter's School
Sophie Sinclair St Hilda's Collegiate
Daniel Sinkinson Hamilton Boys High School
George Sladden Scots College
Logan Slee Hutt International Boys' Schoo
Albie-Joe Small Southland Boys High School
Buddy-Joe Small Southland Boys High School
Mitchell Small St Andrew's College
Andrew Smith Kings High School
Emma Smith Cromwell College
Kyle Smith Taupo Nui-a-tia College
Michael Smith St Patrick's College (Kilbirni
Samuel Smith St Peter's School
Sophie Smith Nelson College For Girls
Claudia Sole St Hilda's Collegiate
Shaun Souness Christchurch Boys High School
Nikola Sovljanski Westlake Boys High School
Ruby Spark Rangiora High School
Jessie Speedy St Peter's School
Max Spencer Rathkeale College/Trinity Sen
Joshua Spillane Westlake Boys High School
Josh Spraggon Westlake Boys High School
Janus Staufenberg Mt Aspiring College
Julius Staufenberg Mt Aspiring College
Molly Stephenson Queen's High School
Callum Stewart Scots College
Josh Stewart Tauranga Boys' College
Molly Stewart St Hilda's Collegiate
Naomi Stewart Tauranga Girls' College
Ophelia Stott Mountainview High School
Thomas Strawbridge St Patrick's College (Silverst
Alex Stuart New Plymouth Boys High School
Matthew Sutcliffe Wellington College
Jack Sutton Christchurch Boys High School
Meg Sycamore Columba College
Emma Symon Rangiora High School
Wingyeung Szeto Wellington College