New Zealand Secondary Schools' Cross Country 2005 (select another)

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The 112 results for your search for athlete surnames beginning with "S" are below.

Search Results

Athlete Team
Bianca Saathof Havelock North High School
Matthew Saathof Havelock North High School
Kelsy Sabine Rangitoto College
Abdullahi Salad Hamilton Boys High School
Shafat Salad Fairfield College
Romana Salis Queen's High School
Grace Salisbury Mills Hutt Valley High School
Josephine Salisbury Mills Hutt Valley High School
Natalie Sanderson Wellington Diocesan School For
Keegan Saville Pukekohe High School
Tom Saville Auckland Grammar School
Oliver Sawbridge Glendowie College
Thomas Sawbridge Glendowie College
Ellen Scaef St Matthew's Collegiate
Alexander Scahill St Patrick's College (Silverst
Hannes Schell Freyberg High School
John Schreuder Westlake Boys High School
Kirsty Sclater St Peter's School
Daniel Scott Auckland Grammar School
Hamish Scott Fairfield College
Rosa Scott St Hilda's Collegiate
Dan Seagar Auckland Grammar School
Rochelle Seagar Macleans College
Ben Searle Westlake Boys High School
Ruchira Seneviratne Tauranga Boys' College
Melissa SHAPCOTT Howick College
Heidi Sharples Nelson College For Girls
Emily Shaw Wellington Girls' College
Willie Shaw Otumoetai College
Kate SHEARER St Mary's Diocesan School
Bradley Shearman Havelock North High School
DANE SHEARMAN Matamata College
Abas Sheikh Rongotai College
Aimee Sheldon Hillcrest High School
Christopher Shepherd Kings College
Samara Sheppard Onslow College
Caden Shields Kings High School
Kate Shore Wanganui High School
Richard Short Christ's College
Penny-Lynne Siebert New Plymouth Girls High School
Karin Sievwright Tauranga Girls' College
Edward Sillars St Kentigern College
Matt Sillars St Kentigern College
Ben Simmonds Wanganui High School
Andy Simpson Wanganui High School
Laura Sinclair Te Awamutu College
Ryan Sissons Macleans College
Ryan Sixtus Waimea College
Sam Skerman Lindisfarne College
Richard Skinner Upper Hutt College
Nick Slattery Westlake Boys High School
Warwick Slow Onslow College
Nick Small Auckland Grammar School
LAURA SMIDT Napier Girls High School
Angela Smit Rangiora High School
Jean-Paul Smit Auckland Grammar School
Alex Smith St Kentigern College
Casey Smith Rotorua Girls' High School
Daniel Smith Auckland Grammar School
Darren Smith Morrinsville College
Elliot Smith Scots College
Hamish Smith Auckland Grammar School
Hannah Smith Havelock North High School
Rachel Smith Waikato Diocesan School
Rebecca Smith Sacred Heart Girls' College (N
Ryan Smith Whangarei Boys High School
Ryan Smith Napier Boys High School
Stefan Smith Napier Boys High School
Steven Smith Napier Boys High School
Steven Smith Tauranga Boys' College
Hamish Snow Auckland Grammar School
Thomas Snow Rangiora High School
Mathew Snowden New Plymouth Boys High School
Nick Snowden Hutt Valley High School
Georgia Snowdon New Plymouth Girls High School
Andrew Soper Hutt Valley High School
Kurt Sowersby Lindisfarne College
Katherine Sowry Paraparaumu College
Courtney Spargo Nayland College
Michael Sparrow Bethlehem College
Eric Speakman Taradale High School
Cale Speller St Patrick's College (Silverst
Rebecca Spence Rangitoto College
Annabelle Spencer Diocesan School for Girls
Sophie Spencer Diocesan School for Girls
Sophie Spiers Rangi Ruru Girls' School
Hamish Stace Nelson College
Conner Stachurski New Plymouth Boys High School
Elizabeth Stachurski Sacred Heart Girls' College (N
Brad Stanfield St Kentigern College
SARAH STARKEY Napier Girls High School
Bryan Staunton Havelock North High School
Sam Steeg Havelock North High School
Ben Stegman Wanganui Collegiate
Ben Stephens Lindisfarne College
EMILY STEPHENS Napier Girls High School
Fergus Sterwart Auckland Grammar School
Courtney Stevenson Sacred Heart Girls' College (N
Tom Stewart Penrose High School
Alyssa STIELLER St Mary's Diocesan School
Ellen Stirling Hutt Valley High School
Anna Stott St Hilda's Collegiate
Hannah Stotter Hutt Valley High School
Bailee STRATTON St Mary's Diocesan School
Kim Stratton Diocesan School for Girls
Rebecca Stringfellow Whakatane High School
Patrick Strong Motueka High School
Marchant Strydom Wanganui Collegiate
Michael Sullivan Napier Boys High School
Davis Sutcliffe New Plymouth Boys High School
Cameron Swan Shirley Boys High School
Sam Sygrove Wellington College