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New Zealand Secondary Schools' Track and Field 2022
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Maddie Waddell
St Peter's School
Caleb Wagener
Auckland Grammar School
Tristan Wagner
Kuranui College
Nikita Wain
Taradale High School
Zane Wakeling
Kapiti College
Aryan Walanj
Avondale College
Ella Waldron
Geraldine High School
Ben Walker
Waimea College
Timothy Wallace
St Kentigern College
Kimberley Walsh
St Peters College
Vincent Walters
Whanganui High School
Zack Walton
Christchurch Boys High School
Misha Warboys
Garin College
Ben Ward
Selwyn College
Sienna Watson
Wakatipu High School
Sophie Webber
Woodford House
Jaide Webby
New Plymouth Girls High School
James Weber
Wakatipu High School
Brooke Weir
St Peter's School
Mark Weir
Christchurch Boys High School
Ben Wells
Westlake Boys High School
Lucy Wells
Whanganui Collegiate
Emily Werder
New Plymouth Girls High School
Alex West
Havelock North High School
Ronan West
Marlborough Boys College
Mathijis Wetzels
Hamilton Boys High School
Te Aroha Whaanga-Smith
Napier Girls High School
Olivia Whale
Nga Tawa Diocesan School
Thomas White
Wellington College
Harry Whiteman
Westlake Boys High School
Micayla Whiti
Nayland College
Charlie Whyte
Westlake Boys High School
Cooper Wightman
Christchurch Boys High School
Max Wildbore
Napier Boys High School
Alexander Wilkins
Auckland Grammar School
Max Wilkins
Auckland Grammar School
Lucy Wilkinson Smith
Nga Tawa Diocesan School
Jahmayn Williams
Avondale College
Jorja Williams
St Andrew's College
Merryn Williams
Rototuna High School
Niah Williams
Christchurch Girls High School
Harry Williamson
Christchurch Boys High School
Bella Willis
Whanganui Collegiate
Leala Willman
Kings College
Elliot Wills
Hawera High School
Harrison Wills
Wellington College
Alex Wilson
Hastings Boys High School
Faith Wilson
Thames High School
Kyla Wilson
Thames High School
Max Wilson
Wellington College
Morgan Wilson
St Matthew's Collegiate
Regan Wilson
Tauranga Boys' College
Quinn Winwood
Kings College
Tamahae Wirepa 37
Lytton High School
Grace Wisnewski
St Peter's School
Harry Witheridge
Westlake Boys High School
Rick Withers
Napier Boys High School
Harry Witt
Rangiora High School
Luca Wohlers
Napier Girls High School
Amelie Wood
Taupo Nui-a-tia College
Caleb Woodfield
St Peter's School
Keana Woodfield
St Peter's School
Millie Woodham
Havelock North High School
Logan Woods
Napier Boys High School
Jaxon Woolley 38
Papamoa College
Cameron Woolliams
Pukekohe High School
Dane Wooster
Tauranga Boys' College
Callum Wos
St Patrick's College (Silverst
Leo Wright
Westlake Boys High School
Sienna Wright
Craighead Diocesan School
Gabrielle Wright 54
Pakuranga College
George Wyllie
Tauranga Boys' College
Pai Wynyard
Kaiapoi High School
Tia Wynyard
Kaiapoi High School