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New Zealand Secondary Schools' Track and Field 2022
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Isla MacCallum
Southland Girls' High School
Timo MacDonald
Auckland Grammar School
Ciaran Mace
Awatapu College
Ryan Mackay
Newlands College
Siena Mackley
Wakatipu High School
Evie MacLennan
Botany Downs Secondary College
Cody Macphail
Hawera High School
Kate Macpherson
Whanganui Collegiate
Reid Macquarie
St Peter's School
AJ Madondo
Christ's College
Percy Maka
Lynfield College
Troy Maka
Lynfield College
Ryan Mallon
St Patrick's College (Kilbirni
Tiakiriri Manaia
Auckland Grammar School
Karmen Maritz
Westlake Girls High School
Jack Marra
John Paul College
Dustim Marshall
Burnside High School
Logan Marshall
Macleans College
Milly Marshall-Kirkwood
Inglewood High School
Alex Martin
Wellington College
Joe Martin
Wellington College
Lucas Martin
Whanganui Collegiate
Poppy Martin
John Paul College
Isla Martin-McKenzie
Marian College
Lukas Martin-Mercado
Westlake Boys High School
Jack Mason
New Plymouth Boys High School
Hamish Mather
Auckland Grammar School
Alana Mathews
Rosehill College
Roman Matson
Westlake Boys High School
Charlie Matthews
Rathkeale College/Trinity Seni
Ruby Matthews
St Matthew's Collegiate
Alexander Matuszek
Rathkeale College/Trinity Seni
Maksis Maulvurfs
Green Bay High School
Cameron Maunder
Westlake Boys High School
Jamie Maunder
Westlake Boys High School
George Mawson
Kelston Boys High School
Oliver Mayers
Mt Albert Grammar
Henry Mayston
ACG Tauranga
Hassan McCall
Independent Home School Athlet
Jody McCarthy-Dempsey
Darfield High School
Kirsty McCarthy-Dempsey
Darfield High School
Alex McCorkindale
St Thomas Of Canterbury Colleg
Karen McDonald
Roncalli College
Monica McDonald
Roncalli College
Eliza McDonnell
Rangi Ruru Girls' School
Zara McDonnell
Rangi Ruru Girls' School
Millie McFadzien
St Peter's College (Gore)
Ollie McFarlane
Aquinas College
Harrison McGregor
Aquinas College
Nikkita McIntyre
St Andrew's College
Jackson McKay
Hastings Boys High School
Liam McKellar
Rangitoto College
Jessie McKenzie
Hutt Valley High School
Jetta McKenzie
St Cuthbert's College
Neve McKenzie
Marlborough Girls College
Juliet McKinlay
Whanganui Collegiate
Conall McLean
Westlake Boys High School
James McLeay
Southland Boys High School
Finn McLeod
Christchurch Boys High School
Hannah McManus
Diocesan School for Girls
Molly McManus
Waimea College
Will McMeeken
Christchurch Boys High School
Keira McNeill
Otago Girls High School
Jessica McNeilly
Garin College
Axel McPherson
Auckland Grammar School
Elle-Kate McRae
Napier Girls High School
Maisie McRea
Napier Girls High School
Kithmini Melville
Whakatane High School
Grace Meredith
St Cuthbert's College
Rosa Meyer
Whanganui Collegiate
Carys Middleton
Nga Tawa Diocesan School
Jamin Millar
Otago Boys High School
Cullen Milne
Macleans College
Blake Miscal
St Patrick's College (Silverst
Chelsey Moananu
Wellington East Girls' College
Kade Mockett
Francis Douglas Memorial Colle
Lottie Moffat
New Plymouth Girls High School
Luke Moffitt
Otago Boys High School
Suleiman Mohamud
Wellington College
Annie Molloy
Nga Tawa Diocesan School
Olivia Molloy
Napier Girls High School
Ollie Monks
St Bede's College
Angus Monro
Glendowie College
Oscar Monro
Glendowie College
James Moore
Christchurch Boys High School
Robin Moore
Te Aho O Te Kura Pounamu
Juju Moorhead
Wellington Girls' College
Jamie Mora
Auckland Grammar School
Joseph Morgan
Hamilton Boys High School
Queenie Morgan
St Peters College
Callum Moss
St Kentigern College
Quinn Moss
Kings College
Niamh Motley
Craighead Diocesan School
Orla Motley
Craighead Diocesan School
John Mottus
Lincoln High School
Maurice Mow
Whanganui Collegiate
Kyran Moyle
Auckland Grammar School
Sienna Moyle
St Kentigern College
Lillian Muir
John Paul College
Daniel Mullens
Macleans College
Levi Murdoch
Christchurch Boys High School
Sionann Murphy 37
Northcote College
Callum Murray
Aquinas College
Hamish Murray
Aquinas College