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New Zealand Secondary Schools' Track and Field 2022
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Ben Kalma
St Pauls Collegiate (Hamilton)
Kaliyah Kamo
Auckland Girls' Grammar School
Khushi Kansara
Motueka High School
Mila Kaplan
Wellington Girls' College
Sahara Katene
Rotorua Girls' High School
Ky-Mani Kaumoana
Te Aroha College
Ruby Kaye
Napier Girls High School
Kysen Keegan
Francis Douglas Memorial Colle
Kainoa Keereweer
St Paul's College (Auckland)
Tane Keereweer-Taia
St Paul's College (Auckland)
Nikko Kelly
Sunderland College
Maddie Kelso-Heap
Diocesan School for Girls
Connor Kemp
St Patrick's College (Kilbirni
Forbes Kennedy
Palmerston North Boys High Sch
Hunter Kennedy
Palmerston North Boys High Sch
Suzie Kennelly
Kings College
Tiani Kensington
Sacred Heart Girls' College (N
Giselle Kenworthy
Wellington Girls' College
Sabine Kenworthy
Wellington Girls' College
Matt Keys
Kuranui College
Liam Kilby
Napier Boys High School
Couper Killick
St Andrew's College
Jacob Kilmister
Kapiti College
Sacha Kilmister
Kapiti College
Zack Kimmins
St Patrick's College (Kilbirni
Una Kinajil-Reding 47/4
Rangi Ruru Girls' School
Paloma King
Sacred Heart College (Wgtn)
Oliver King 20
Papanui High School
Grace Kinnon
Macleans College
Scarlett Kirby
St Andrew's College
Caitlin Kirk
Central Hawkes Bay College
Nat Kirk
Whanganui High School
Elijah Kirkpatrick
Westlake Boys High School
Isaac Kirkpatrick
Westlake Boys High School
Elliot Kitchener
Mt Albert Grammar
Verde Kjestrup
Horowhenua College
Blaine Knapman
St Patrick's College (Silverst
Oliver-Tane Knowles
Cambridge High School
Wiremu Knowles
Cambridge High School
Hayley Koppens
Rototuna High School
Samantha Korck
Takapuna Grammar School
Aphichat Kothinsen
Green Bay High School
Daniel Kovylov
Avondale College
Jacquelyn Kowalewski
New Plymouth Girls High School
Nicole Kowalewski
New Plymouth Girls High School
Oliver Krijnen
St Patrick's College (Silverst
Nadja Kumerich
Rangitoto College