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New Zealand Secondary Schools' Track and Field 2022
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Mose Faaumuumu Timo
Avondale College
Alisa Fahrbach
Nayland College
Amelie Fairclough
Western Springs College
Benjie Fairclough
Mt Albert Grammar
Lilla Faivre
Cashmere High School
Justin Falconer
Whanganui High School
Anne Falelogi-Kirikiri
St Peter's School
Justin Falken
Tauranga Boys' College
Arlo Farquhar
Green Bay High School
Gemma Farrington
Napier Girls High School
Holly Fausett
Aquinas College
Torben Fear
Wellington College
Sarah Fenwick
Napier Girls High School
Cooper Ferguson
New Plymouth Boys High School
Emma Ferguson
Nga Tawa Diocesan School
Lorenzo Ferguson
Westlake Boys High School
Miller Ferguson
New Plymouth Boys High School
Edmund Ferro
John McGlashan College
Sebastian Ferro
John McGlashan College
Felix Field
New Plymouth Boys High School
Amilame Finau
St John's College
Kayo Findsen
Epsom Girls Grammar School
Thomas Fitzgerald
Whanganui Collegiate
Courtney Fitzgibbon
Waiopehu College
Cameron Fitzjohn
Tauranga Boys' College
Robert Fitzpatrick
Auckland Grammar School
Harry Fletcher
Southland Boys High School
Paige Fletcher
St Kentigern College
Shima Fletcher
Tauranga Boys' College
Sammy Fookes
Wakatipu High School
MacLean Forbes
St Patrick's College (Silverst
James Ford
Kings College
Josh Ford
Westlake Boys High School
Zara Ford
Kings College
Charlie Forde
Central Southland College
Thomas Forrest-Dawson
Green Bay High School
Charlie Forsyth
Auckland Grammar School
Sam Forward
St Pauls Collegiate (Hamilton)
Yandri Fourie
Epsom Girls Grammar School
Maia Fowler
Nelson College For Girls
Blaise France
Rangi Ruru Girls' School
Edie Franks
Whanganui High School
James Frickleton
Rathkeale College/Trinity Seni