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New Zealand Secondary Schools' Track and Field 2019
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Sophie Waddell
St Peter's School
Hayden Wadell
St Peter's School
Jacob Waikari-Jones
Wellington College
Nate Wain
Christ's College
Nikita Wain
Taradale High School
Zane Wakeling
Kapiti College
Aryan Walanj
Avondale College
Hugo Waldegrave
Auckland Grammar School
Jake Waldron
Cashmere High School
Grace Walford
Whanganui High School
Amy Walker
Wellington East Girls' College
Ethan Walker
Taieri College
Lucas Walker
Motueka High School
Stephanie Walker
Dannevirke High School
Theo Walker
Burnside High School
Finn Walker T20/F20
Papanui High School
Benjamin Wall
Palmerston North Boys High Sch
Liam Wall
Palmerston North Boys High Sch
Ethan Wallace
Matamata College
Jeremy Wallace
Wellington College
Dion Wallwork
Macleans College
Kimberley Walsh
St Peters College
Patricia Walsh T64/F64
Baradene College
Vincent Walters
Whanganui High School
Finn Ward
Auckland Grammar School
Torin Ward
St Andrew's College
Jamie Ward-Smith
Kings High School
Samuel Warren
Macleans College
Emma Wason
Darfield High School
Mason Waterworth
St Patrick's College (Kilbirni
Mya Watkins
Hawera High School
Mykahla Watson
Edgecumbe College
Olivia Watt
Burnside High School
Titan Waymouth
Kristin School
Jayden Webb-Milner
Rathkeale College/Trinity Seni
Xavier Wehi
Christchurch Boys High School
Sean Weir
Sacred Heart College (Auckland
Ben Wells
Westlake Boys High School
John Wells
Christ's College
Sophia Wenceslao
Sacred Heart Girls' College (H
JJ Weston
Westlake Boys High School
Luke Weston
Francis Douglas Memorial Colle
Mathijis Wetzels
Hamilton Boys High School
Sebastian Wharton
Kings College
Arabella White
Diocesan School for Girls
Sam White
Pakuranga College
Thomas White
Wellington College
Monique Whiteman
Palmerston North Girls High Sc
Milly Wikstrom
Wakatipu High School
Maia Wilkinson
Wellington East Girls' College
Liam Willcocks
St Patrick's College (Silverst
Johnston William
St Peter's College (Auckland)
Amelia Williams
Villa Maria College
Ice Williams
Christchurch Boys High School
Jorja Williams
St Andrew's College
Joshua Williams
Wellington College
Niah Williams
Christchurch Girls High School
Sophie Williams
Whanganui Collegiate
Leo James Williams T20/F20
Mana College
Jayden Williamson
Rosmini College
Renee Willis
St Hilda's Collegiate
Leala Willman
Havelock North High School
Felicity Wills
Wairarapa College
Alyssa Wilson
St Mary's College (Wgtn)
Antonina Wilson
Sancta Maria College
Khya Wilson
St Patrick's College (Kilbirni
Gisborne Girls High School
Riley Wilson
Burnside High School
Liam Wilson T37/F37
John McGlashan College
Amayah Wingfield
Westlake Girls High School
Katherine Winter
Wellington Girls' College
Grace Wisnewski
St Peter's School
Chethana Witharana
Tawa College
Liam Wong
Auckland Grammar School
Lola Wood
Diocesan School for Girls
Shaun Woodd
Central Southland College
Josh Woodhead
Hastings Boys High School
Logan Woods
Napier Boys High School
Jaxon Woolley T38/F38
Wairau Valley Special School
Liam Wright
Tawa College
Alex Wyeth
Rathkeale College/Trinity Seni
Thomas Wynne
Sacred Heart College (Auckland
Pai Wynyard
Kaiapoi High School