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New Zealand Secondary Schools' Track and Field 2019
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Jack Sadler
Campion College
Jamane Saimoa
Manurewa High School
Jasmine Saimoa
Manurewa High School
Panapa Sakaria
Aotea College
Zacchaeus Saluni
Avondale College
Cheyenne Samoa-Tofilau
Avondale College
Eva-Luna Sander
Otago Girls High School
Nathan Sands
Mt Roskill Grammar
Ryan Sangster
Kaiapoi High School
Zam Santos
Wairarapa College
Maepa Saolotoga
Naenae College
Troy Sargisson
Rosmini College
Maria Sartin
Hamilton Girls High School
Noah Saukuru
Christchurch Boys High School
Zachary Saunders
Botany Downs Secondary College
Toby Saxby
Westlake Boys High School
Ayub Sayid
Avondale College
Jonathan Sceats
Hutt International Boys' Schoo
Katelyn Sceats
Wellington Girls' College
Savannah Scheen
Hobsonville Point Schools
Harry Schmack
Timaru Boys' High School
Orion Schmok
Mt Albert Grammar
Jake Schofield
St Peter's College (Auckland)
Matt Schuler
Sacred Heart College (Auckland
Zeta Schuler
Waihi College
Trent Scotson
St Patrick's College (Silverst
Jesika Sebelin
Otago Girls High School
Finlay Seeds
Hutt International Boys' Schoo
Jonah Seeds
Hutt International Boys' Schoo
Tom Sellars
Christchurch Boys High School
Jessica Senior
Southland Girls' High School
Jason Seumanufagai
St Patrick's College (Kilbirni
Eva Sexton
Whakatane High School
Ayrton Shadbolt
St Andrew's College
Sophie Shallard
St Peter's College (Gore)
Madeline Sharpe
Christchurch Girls High School
Levi Shearer T37/F37
Howick College
Olivia Sherman
Kerikeri High School
Joe Shiozawa
Macleans College
Ryan Shotter
Napier Boys High School
Kefutoa Siataga
Niue High School
Stefanos Siatiras
Wellington College
Apisalome Sikaidoka
Timaru Boys' High School
Angelica Simpson
Havelock North High School
Daniel Sinclair
Whanganui Collegiate
Joseph Sinclair
Whanganui Collegiate
Ruby Sinclair
Whanganui Collegiate
William Sinclair
Te Aho O Te Kura Pounamu
Skye Singer
Otaki College
Taylor Singer
Otaki College
Anjalee Singh
Macleans College
Tristan Siohane
Niue High School
Ben Skelton
Mt Albert Grammar
Sebastian Skelton
Scots College
Gwyneth Skidmore
Kapiti College
Jada Skipper-King
Sacred Heart College (Wgtn)
Charlie Skogstad
St Patrick's College (Kilbirni
Camryn Smart
Motueka High School
Riley Smart
Motueka High School
Amelia Smith
Taradale High School
Ben Smith
Waitaki Boys' High School
Carly Smith
Wellington Girls' College
Lara Smith
Wellington Girls' College
Mogammad Smith
Kings College
Natasha Smith
Pakuranga College
Stephanie Smith
Columba College
Taylor Smith
Tauranga Boys' College
Taylor Smith
Kings High School
Zayyaan Smith
Mt Albert Grammar
Reuben Smith T20/F20
Taradale High School
Ethan Smolej
St Bede's College
Benedict Snee
Havelock North High School
Mitchell Snell
Lindisfarne College
Kaleb Sola
Hutt Valley High School
Colin Sole-Cashmore
William Colenso College
Roderick Solo
Scots College
Stanley Solomon
Wellington College
Kalepo Solomona
Manurewa High School
Zoe Spinks
Darfield High School
Eliza Squire
Wellington East Girls' College
Phoebe Squire
Wellington East Girls' College
Jack Stalker
Central Southland College
Caleb Stanley
Wellington College
Lachlan Stefanidis
Wellington College
Hannah Stegenwallner
Hutt Valley High School
Heidi Stephens
Waimea College
Bryn Stevens
Motueka High School
Addison Stewart
St Peter's College (Auckland)
Jordan Stewart
St Patrick's College (Kilbirni
Jacob Stockwell
New Plymouth Boys High School
Victoria Stowers
Sacred Heart College (Wgtn)
Sienna Stowers-Smith
St Andrew's College
Memphis Strachan T20/F20
Mana College
Corban Straker
Burnside High School
Thomas Strawbridge
St Patrick's College (Silverst
Hayden Stuart
Menzies College
Melville Su
Whanganui Collegiate
Tony Su
Macleans College
Tom Sullivan
John McGlashan College
Holly Sutherland
New Plymouth Girls High School
Sasha Sutherland
Auckland Grammar School
Jed Syme
Timaru Boys' High School