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New Zealand Secondary Schools' Track and Field 2015
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Josh Ka
Sacred Heart College Auck
Jessica Kane
Te Awamutu College
Lauren Kane
Edgecumbe College
Seamus Kane
Onslow College
Janelle Kara
Mt Albert Grammar
Max Karamanolis
St Patricks College Kilbirnie
Sonatane Kaufusi
The Manurewa High School
Tatiana Kaumoana
Te Aroha College
Simone Keane
Dunstan High School
Connor Kearns
Auckland Grammar School
Sabine Keenan
St Margaret's College
Tara Keenan
St Margaret's College
Zach Keenan
Westlake Boys High School
Holly Keir
Central Hawkes Bay College
Braden Kelly
St John College
Isaac Kelly
Rosmini College
Lucia Kelly
Wanganui Collegiate
Kemara Kemara
The Manurewa High School
Braden Kendall
Awatapu College
Ben Kennedy
Kristin School
Liam Kennedy
St Patricks College Silverstr
Tasmin Kennedy
St Mary's College Wgnt
Jade Kenning
Motueka High School
Attica Kenton-Dau
Shirley Boys High School
Fergus Keown
Central Southland College
Hamuera Kereopa
Otago Boys High School
Tui Kereopa
Thames High School
Ethan Kerins
St John College
Islam Khaled-Abbas
Wellington College
Deigna Khamal
Cambridge High School
Guy Kilmister
Auckland Grammar School
Jenny Kim
Rangitoto College
Minjae Kim
Auckland Grammar School
Sam King
Christ's College
Ben Kiore
Kings High School
Pearson Kirkwood
Avondale College
Thomas Kissell
Roncalli College
Shilo Klein
St Andrews College
Emily Kneale
Tauranga Girls' College
Michael Knight
Palmerston North Boys High Sch
George Knowles
Auckland Grammar School
Asher Knox
Christchurch Boys High School
Charlie Knox
Kings College
Esmae Knox
Otago Girls High School
Caroline Kolver
St Peter's School Camb
Eduard Korent
St Patricks College Silverstr
Trevor Kruger
Hauraki Plains College
Emma Kruszona
Wairarapa College
Benet Kumeroa
Auckland Grammar School
John (Sunghun) Kwon
Rangitoto College