North Island Secondary Schools' Track and Field 2011 (select another)

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The 34 results for your search for athlete surnames beginning with "D" are below.

Search Results

Athlete Team
Sam Daniels Counties Manukau
Kelly Davenport Wanganui
Luke Davison Waikato Bay of Plenty
Tim Dawbin Wellington
Michael Dawson Auckland
Shayne Dawson North Harbour
Mikayla Daysh Waikato Bay of Plenty
Sarah De Bruin Northland
Riandri De Bruyn Auckland
Danielle Decagniey Northland
Jason Delaveau North Harbour
Luca Denee North Harbour
Lara Dewet North Harbour
Nathan Dicken Wellington
Logan Dickie North Harbour
Stephanie Dickins Manawatu
Sally Dickison Wanganui
Oliver Dieckman Manawatu
Laine Dinsdale Waikato Bay of Plenty
Hye Won Do North Harbour
Jeremy Dobson Manawatu
Trent Dobson Wellington
Harriet Donald Wanganui
Sam Donald Wanganui
Caitlin Donaldson Auckland
James Dorgan Wanganui
Blake Douglas Waikato Bay of Plenty
Elizabeth Doyle North Harbour
Sarah Doyle North Harbour
Conradie Drikus Waikato Bay of Plenty
Tukariri Dryden Wanganui
Matthew Du Plessis Counties Manukau
Lauren Duggan Wellington
Calah Duncan Waikato Bay of Plenty