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Fiji Coca Cola Games 2007
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Losalini Palu
Sigatoka Methodist High School
Mereseini Palu
Xavier College
Watimani Papu
Penang Sangam High School
Tulia Pateresia
St. Bedes College
Ann Patrick
Solevu Junior Secondary School
George Patterson
Suva Muslim College
Jonathan Pau'u
Queen Victoria School
Aliti Pauni
Seaqaqa Central College
Marion Peckham
Solevu Junior Secondary School
Miriama Peckham
Tavua College
Makereta Peki
Assemblies of God High School
Raphael Pesamino
Tavua College
Flores Petero
Adi Cakobau School
Manoa Petero
St. Johns College
Clyde Peters
Xavier College
Ernest Petueli
Tavua College
Elizabeth Pickering
Indian College
Micheal Pickering
Penang Sangam High School
Rosie Pickering
Ba Provincial Secondary School
Karitik Pillay
Baulevu High School
Ronal Pillay
Korovuto College
Vikatore Poli
Solevu Junior Secondary School
Panapasa Pone
Levuka Public School
Teresia Pota
Napuka Secondary School
Peni Powell
Rampur College
Roneet Prakash
Xavier College
Shival Prakash
A.D. Patel Secondary School
Ajnesh Prasad
Batinikama Secondary School
Ashneet Prasad
Mulomulo Secondary School
Kushaal Prasad
Xavier College
Rajinesh Prasad
Sigatoka Andhra College
Ravinesh Prasad
Bulileka Sanatan College
Shernal Prasad
Mahatma Ghandi Memorial School
Simon Prasad
Ahmadiyya Secondary School
Sumeet Prasad
Xavier College
Suraj Prasad
Tavua College
Vicky Prasad
Tilak High School
Amit Pratap
Tavua College
Sumeet Pratap
Tavua College
Pritika Pritika
Penang Sangam High School
Payal Priyanka
Votualevu College
Semiji Puamau
Ba Methodist High School
Viliame Puamau
Nabua Secondary School
Pasemaca Pukali
Nadroga Navosa High School