Canterbury Secondary Schools' Track and Field 2007 (select another)

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The 74 results for your search for athlete surnames beginning with "T" are below.

Search Results

Athlete Team
Brechtsje Tacoma Lincoln High School
Anthony Taite Hornby High School
Matalaoa Taito Marian College
Malea Talaepa Avonside Girls High Schoo
Juliette Talanoa Linwood College
Ashley Talbot Hornby High School
Marcus Talbot Shirley Boys High School
Kathryn Tamakehu Avonside Girls High Schoo
Eutahi Tamepo Kaiapoi High School
Ted Tanchak Cashmere High School
Josh Tansey St Thomas of Canterbury C
Ryan Taplin Shirley Boys High School
Sophie Tapper Rangi Ruru Girls School
Anton Tarasenko Burnside High School
Kate Tarawhiti Christchurch Girls High S
Ane Tatu Hornby High School
Mele Tatu Hornby High School
Anastasia Tauamiti Middleton Grange
Leonie Tauapai Mairehau High School
Angela Taupale Pati Mairehau High School
Anthony Taupau Papanui High School
Whitney Tawake Burnside High School
Angus Taylor St Andrew's College
Martyn Taylor Shirley Boys High School
Millie Taylor Cashmere High School
Stephanie Taylor Burnside High School
William Taylor Christ's College
Jermaine TeKawa St Thomas of Canterbury C
Tasi Telea St Thomas of Canterbury C
Boyd Telford Linwood College
Nysha Temesvari Kaiapoi High School
Jazzmyn Tepania Hillmorton High School
Lana Terblanche Darfield High School
Alfa Thenu Linwood College
Laura Thoen Marian College
Emma Thomas Avonside Girls High Schoo
Awhina Thompson Mairehau High School
Ryan Thompson Combined Country High Sch
Scott Thompson Combined Country High Sch
Sophie Thompson Christchurch Girls High S
Daniel Thoms Christchurch Boys High Sc
Dane Thomson Christchurch Boys High Sc
Jacob Thomson Hagley Community College
Andrew Thorn Hornby High School
Alex Thornton Christchurch Girls High S
Annalise Thoroughgood Middleton Grange
Suzette Thoroughgood Middleton Grange
Poppy Tie Christchurch Girls High S
Charlotte Timperley St Margaret's College
Tapuni Tinga Papanui High School
Lee Todd Mairehau High School
Luke Tohiariki Hillmorton High School
Hushdon Tohovaka St Bede's College
Chris Tomlinson St Andrew's College
Andrew Toneycliffe St Bede's College
James Tongia St Thomas of Canterbury C
Ashleigh Tootell Avonside Girls High Schoo
Lucas Trevathan Shirley Boys High School
Gabrielle Trip Villa Maria College
Joanna Trip Villa Maria College
Alex Truesdale Christ's College
Sarah Truscott St Margaret's College
Callan Tucker Shirley Boys High School
Georgie Tucker Rangi Ruru Girls School
Shane Tugaga Linwood College
Bradley Tuhi St Thomas of Canterbury C
Eti Tuiloma Avonside Girls High Schoo
Elekana Tupai Mairehau High School
Jesse Turner Papanui High School
Tom Turner Christchurch Boys High Sc
Ed Turney Christ's College
Paul Tusa Cathedral College
Reuben Tuuta Christchurch Boys High Sc
James Twomey St Andrew's College