Canterbury Secondary Schools' Track and Field 2007 (select another)

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The 161 results for your search for athlete surnames beginning with "M" are below.

Search Results

Athlete Team
Sophie Mabey Burnside High School
Renee Macdonald Rangiora High School
Eve Macfarlane Rangi Ruru Girls School
Marie Macfarlane St Margaret's College
Ryan MacKenzie Shirley Boys High School
Chantal Mackle Combined Country High Sch
Hugh Macleod Christ's College
Joseph Maea Hornby High School
Benny Magon Cashmere High School
Vaa Mailei Shirley Boys High School
Francis Main Hagley Community College
Samantha Malcolm-Calvert St Andrew's College
Kate Maloney Christchurch Girls High S
Troy Mangan Shirley Boys High School
Rebecca Mann Rangi Ruru Girls School
Amy Mannering Rangi Ruru Girls School
Nick Mannering Christ's College
Tim Manson Christ's College
Alex Manton Christchurch Boys High Sc
Taniela Manu Christchurch Boys High Sc
Hunia Manuel Mairehau High School
Penani Manumalealii Hornby High School
Keenan Marais St Bede's College
John Markun Rangiora High School
Brittany Marquet Avonside Girls High Schoo
Chelsea Marshall Cashmere High School
Natalie Marsters Marian College
Brandon Martin Riccarton High School
Jon Martin Lincoln High School
Shahanna Martin Burnside High School
Toby Martin Christ's College
Hamish Maw Ellesmere College
Steven Maw Ellesmere College
Amy Maxwell St Andrew's College
Martina Maxwell St Margaret's College
Brendan Mayell Papanui High School
Mareesa Maynard Cashmere High School
Georgina Mc Clurg Marian College
Vanessa McArthy Burnside High School
Thomas McArtney Rangiora High School
Thomas McBride St Andrew's College
Akami McCallum Linwood College
Anna McCarthy Papanui High School
Marina McCarthy Villa Maria College
Harriette McClelland St Andrew's College
Ashleigh McClung Lincoln High School
Ben McConnell Middleton Grange
Henry McCook Christ's College
Phil McCormack Burnside High School
Hamish McCormick Burnside High School
Jessie McCormick Lincoln High School
Axel McCort Burnside High School
Cam McDermid St Andrew's College
Kate McDermid Rangi Ruru Girls School
Caitlin McDonald Linwood College
Kate McDonald Burnside High School
Michael McDonald Mairehau High School
Hugo McDougall Christchurch Boys High Sc
Madeliene McDougall Avonside Girls High Schoo
Nicki McFadzien Villa Maria College
Dominic McGarr Christchurch Boys High Sc
Slade MCGill Combined Country High Sch
Isaiah McGoldrick Rangiora High School
Coree McGrath Christchurch Boys High Sc
Andrew McHaffie Riccarton High School
Diana McHerron Rangi Ruru Girls School
Matt McIllrick Christchurch Boys High Sc
Kimberely Mcintosh Lincoln High School
Alistair McIntyre Riccarton High School
Emma McIntyre Rangi Ruru Girls School
Geoff McIntyre Burnside High School
James McIntyre Riccarton High School
Sarah McIntyre Rangi Ruru Girls School
Connor mcKay Shirley Boys High School
Ryan McKay St Bede's College
Kyle McKee Rangiora High School
Tim McKee Burnside High School
Angus McKellar Christ's College
Angus McKenzie Christ's College
Chontelle McKenzie Mairehau High School
Rachel McKenzie Lincoln High School
Matthew McKessar Middleton Grange
Laura McKinlay Riccarton High School
Eugene McKinstry Rangiora High School
Logan McLardy Middleton Grange
Jared McLaughlan Shirley Boys High School
Jess McLaughlan Avonside Girls High Schoo
Emily McLaughlin Riccarton High School
Samuel McLaughlin Burnside High School
Jesse McLay Rangiora High School
Ben McLean St Andrew's College
Chris McLean Middleton Grange
Alice McLeod Rangi Ruru Girls School
Arna McLeod Riccarton High School
Hannah McLeod St Margaret's College
Mike McRae Rangiora High School
Hamish McSaveney Mairehau High School
Ashley Meade Papanui High School
Scott Meadows Lincoln High School
Belinda Meares Rangi Ruru Girls School
Vercoe Megan Papanui High School
Sian Meijer Combined Country High Sch
Ben Meikle Shirley Boys High School
Jenny Meikle Avonside Girls High Schoo
Philip Meikle Shirley Boys High School
Rowena Meikle Avonside Girls High Schoo
Haley Mercer Villa Maria College
Rebecca Mercer Linwood College
Nick Merrett Burnside High School
Claire Metcalf Middleton Grange
Emily Metcalfe Avonside Girls High Schoo
Selena Metherell Unlimited Paenga Tawhiti
Brooke Middlemiss Marian College
Laban Mika Hornby High School
Lauren Miles Marian College
Denis Milkin Shirley Boys High School
Georgia Millar Villa Maria College
Katherine Millar St Andrew's College
Rebecca Millar St Andrew's College
Daniel Miller Rangiora High School
Jaden Milligan Christchurch Boys High Sc
Robert Millington Burnside High School
Andrew Mills Christ's College
Cameron Mills Middleton Grange
Rhys Mills Hillmorton High School
Sam Mills Middleton Grange
Jesse Minchington Allenvale School
Hannah Minty St Margaret's College
Cameron Mitchell St Andrew's College
Stefan Moir Shirley Boys High School
Jon Mokomoko Hornby High School
Courtney Moody Christchurch Girls High S
Olivia Moon Rangi Ruru Girls School
Brendon Moore Rangiora High School
Natalie Moore Rangi Ruru Girls School
Rhett Moore Papanui High School
Steph Moore Papanui High School
Dafydd Morgan Christ's College
Jason Morgan St Bede's College
Kate Morgan Papanui High School
Phoebe Morris St Margaret's College
Travis Morris Darfield High School
Anya Morrison Rangi Ruru Girls School
Jack Morrison Christchurch Boys High Sc
Kaydan Morrison Kaiapoi High School
Simon Morse Cashmere High School
Shannon Morton Kaiapoi High School
Conan Moynihan St Bede's College
Garth Muggeridge St Bede's College
Andrew Muir St Andrew's College
Callum Mulligan Shirley Boys High School
Alice Mullins Marian College
Jack Mundy Christchurch Boys High Sc
Cameron Murphy Allenvale School
Josh Murphy St Bede's College
Joshua-James Murray Hornby High School
Katya Murray Burnside High School
Lucy Murray Rangi Ruru Girls School
Robert Murray St Andrew's College
Lydia Muschamp Riccarton High School
Kudzai Mvere Hornby High School