Canterbury Secondary Schools' Track and Field 2007 (select another)

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The 64 results for your search for athlete surnames beginning with "F" are below.

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Athlete Team
Avia Fa'aeteete Marian College
Felau'aimanusa Fa'au Linwood College
Samantha Fabian Lincoln High School
Amber Fagan Burnside High School
Levi Faid Cashmere High School
James Fairbairn St Andrew's College
Theo Faithful Papanui High School
Kieran Farr St Andrew's College
Connagh Farrell Christchurch Girls High S
Hannah Farrow Christchurch Girls High S
Laura-Beth Feary St Margaret's College
Albert Fenton Linwood College
Daniella Fenwick Avonside Girls High Schoo
Sophia Fenwick Rangi Ruru Girls School
Richard Ferguson Middleton Grange
Clara Fergusson St Andrew's College
Alice Feutz Rangi Ruru Girls School
Hannah Fiddes Marian College
Joseph Fidow Shirley Boys High School
Yvan Fidow-Kele Cathedral College
Samantha Fiebig Marian College
Josh Field Lincoln High School
Lesley Finch Papanui High School
Alyson Findlay Lincoln High School
Luke Finnigan St Bede's College
Will Fisher St Andrew's College
Holly Fitzgerald Villa Maria College
Jonathan Fitzgerald Lincoln High School
Sam Fitzgerald Riccarton High School
Lucy Flattery Villa Maria College
Daniel Fleming Christchurch Boys High Sc
Paige Fleming Marian College
Sam Fleming Christchurch Boys High Sc
Margot Fluitsma Marian College
Kendall Flutey Rangi Ruru Girls School
Fausa Fofoa Hillmorton High School
Brydon Fonotia Shirley Boys High School
Mose Foo Chong St Bede's College
Chris Ford Combined Country High Sch
Tayla Ford Avonside Girls High Schoo
Elise Foreman Marian College
Brent Forman Christchurch Boys High Sc
Joel Forman Allenvale School
Anna Forster Combined Country High Sch
Jemma Forsyth Rangi Ruru Girls School
Alexander Fort Shirley Boys High School
William Foster St Bede's College
Hamish Frame Cashmere High School
Joshua France Middleton Grange
Sam Franklin Christchurch Boys High Sc
Daniel Franks Cashmere High School
James Franzman Christchurch Boys High Sc
Andrew Fraser Riccarton High School
Benjamin Fraser Cashmere High School
Lela Fraser Rangi Ruru Girls School
Nic Fraser Cashmere High School
Bianca Freeman Avonside Girls High Schoo
Lana Freeman Linwood College
Sian Fremaux St Margaret's College
Jodie Frew Burnside High School
James Friend Middleton Grange
Michael Fry Hillmorton High School
Nicolasa Fuller Christchurch Girls High S
Hayden Fussell Riccarton High School