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Canterbury Secondary Schools' Track and Field 2007
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Jonathon Caddick
St Bede's College
Abigail Cadigan
Middleton Grange
Hannah Cain
Christchurch Girls High S
Natacha Cain
Villa Maria College
Warrick Cairns
Shirley Boys High School
Thomas Calder
St Bede's College
Robert Calkin
Christchurch Boys High Sc
Karl Cameron
Combined Country High Sch
Annabelle Cannan
Middleton Grange
Brooke Cantwell
Villa Maria College
Matt Cantwell
Riccarton High School
Allen Carbon
Burnside High School
Kayla Carden
Hagley Community College
Laura Carpinter
Burnside High School
Harriet Carruthers
Riccarton High School
Daniel Carter
Cashmere High School
William Carter
Ellesmere College
Alexis Cartwright
Lincoln High School
Eilish Cavell
Avonside Girls High Schoo
Daniel Challenger
Kaiapoi High School
Jaymie Challis
Darfield High School
Alex Chamberlain
Cashmere High School
Thomas Chamberlain
Darfield High School
Thomas Chan
Christchurch Boys High Sc
Sarwan Chand
Riccarton High School
Jered Chapman
Hillmorton High School
Taylor Charnley - Kerr
Christchurch Girls High S
Soknath Chea
Burnside High School
Melissa Chester
St Margaret's College
Anita Chhagan
Marian College
Peter Chou
Papanui High School
Anthony Chui
St Andrew's College
Renee Claridge
Papanui High School
Lauren Clark
Avonside Girls High Schoo
Matt Clark
Shirley Boys High School
Abbey-Rose Clarke
St Andrew's College
Kent Claudia
St Andrew's College
Rebecca Clearwater
Riccarton High School
Mandy Clydesdale
Kaiapoi High School
Finlay Coady
Christchurch Boys High Sc
Olivia Coady
Villa Maria College
Annabelle Coates
Burnside High School
Samantha Coffin
Cashmere High School
Robert Cole
Christ's College
Scott Coleman
Lincoln High School
Ethan Coles
Ellesmere College
Richard Coles
Ellesmere College
Jessica Collingwood
Middleton Grange
Lewis Commons
Christchurch Boys High Sc
Georgia Cone
Villa Maria College
Philippa Connell
Marian College
Rachel Cooper
Avonside Girls High Schoo
Kasarnia Cooper-Emslie
Kaiapoi High School
Jesse Copeland
Hillmorton High School
Alex Cording
Riccarton High School
Sam Cording
Riccarton High School
Josh Cormack
Ellesmere College
Ashleigh Cornish
Avonside Girls High Schoo
Teresa Correira
Cashmere High School
Vinnie Coulter
Combined Country High Sch
Tim Couprie
Middleton Grange
Dylan Cox
Christchurch Boys High Sc
Katie Cox
St Andrew's College
Matt Cox
St Andrew's College
Darren Coyne
St Bede's College
Matt Crake
Papanui High School
Rebecca Crake
Papanui High School
Corey Crampton
St Bede's College
Emma Crampton
St Andrew's College
Nicholas Crawley
St Andrew's College
Adam Creek
Shirley Boys High School
Malcolm Creelman
Christchurch Boys High Sc
Finian Cresswell
Hagley Community College
Jessica Cridlin
St Margaret's College
Emma Cropper
Rangiora High School
Edward Crothall
Combined Country High Sch
Luke Crotty
Shirley Boys High School
Shea Crotty
Marian College
Melanie Crowther
Avonside Girls High Schoo
Andrew Croxson
Burnside High School
Arin Cullum
St Andrew's College
Michael Cuneen
Hillmorton High School
Max Cunningham
Christchurch Boys High Sc
Cody Curragh
Kaiapoi High School
Josh Curragh
Kaiapoi High School
Kevan Curtis
Shirley Boys High School