Auckland Secondary Schools' Track and Field Championships 2007 (select another)

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The 65 results for your search for athlete surnames beginning with "A" are below.

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Athlete Team
Harindu Abhayaratne Auckland Grammar School
David Adams Kings College
Frankie Adams Auckland Girls Grammar School
Simon Adams Mt Albert Grammar
Bishar Aden Lynfield College
Issac Adeosun Marcellin College
Jane-Serina Afaese Avondale College
saumani afaese St Paul's College (Auckland)
Taele Afioga McAuley High School
Alfred Afiue Otahuhu College
Martha Afoa McAuley High School
paki afu St Paul's College (Auckland)
Vilai Afu Otahuhu College
Tobi Agbede Henderson High School
Jessica Ah Kuoi Baradene College
Louise Ah Mann St Mary's College (Auckland)
Frank Ah Van Rutherford College
Peter Ahki Kelston Boys High School
Harry Ahn Botany Downs Secondary College
Alison Ainley Mt Albert Grammar
Emma Ainley Mt Albert Grammar
Sally Ainley Mt Albert Grammar
Jason Aisake Marcellin College
Kim Aitken Waitakere College
filipine aki St Paul's College (Auckland)
Ruby Alai Epsom Girls Grammar School
Avele Alaia Kelston Boys High School
hezron alban Sacred Heart College (Auckland
Jamie Aldom Henderson High School
Chantal Alefosio St Dominic's College
Doreen Alefosio Marcellin College
Tanya Aleke Waitakere College
joseph alesi St Paul's College (Auckland)
Mustak Ali Otahuhu College
Scott Allison Sacred Heart College (Auckland
To'oto'o Alo Kelston Boys High School
Mark Alpress Green Bay High School
Raphael Alualu Mt Roskill Grammar
Andre Amidzic Waitakere College
Adams Amies Botany Downs Secondary College
Vincent Amiscua Kelston Boys High School
Tara Amos Avondale College
Tony An Waitakere College
Katrina Anderson Howick College
Jonathan Anisi Henderson High School
Robert Anneff Kelston Boys High School
Joel Anson Auckland Grammar School
Tamara Anstis Howick College
Phaebian Antonio Marcellin College
Mike Anufe Otahuhu College
Rebecca Armstrong Diocesan School for Girls
Charlotte Arrowsmith Glendowie College
Joe Arthur-Roche Western Springs College
Taufiq Asad Mt Roskill Grammar
Meghan Ashford Massey High School
Ryan Ashwood Rutherford College
Jorge Asi St Peter's College (Auckland)
Tala Atonio Otahuhu College
Cyril Au Botany Downs Secondary College
Philip Auina Kelston Boys High School
Benjamin Aupa'au Auckland Grammar School
Kirisome Auvaa Otahuhu College
Erika Avery Epsom Girls Grammar School
Kingsley Avery Epsom Girls Grammar School
Zoe Ayre Green Bay High School